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Setup with React

Learn how to add internationalization to a React application using Lingui. This guide applies to any React project, including those created with Create React App.


  • Install @lingui/cli, @lingui/babel-plugin-lingui-macro and Babel core packages as a development dependencies, and @lingui/react as a runtime dependency:

    npm install --save-dev @lingui/cli @babel/core
    npm install --save-dev @lingui/babel-plugin-lingui-macro
    npm install --save @lingui/react
  • Add lingui-macro plugin to Babel config (e.g: .babelrc):

    "plugins": ["@lingui/babel-plugin-lingui-macro"]

When using any preset, first check if it includes the macros plugin. If so, then you don't need to install and set up @lingui/babel-plugin-lingui-macro. For example, the react-scripts preset is known to contain the macros plugin.


Don't miss the Lingui ESLint Plugin which can help you find and prevent common l10n mistakes in your code.


  1. Create lingui.config.js file with LinguiJS configuration in root of your project (next to package.json). Replace src with the directory name where you have source files:

    /** @type {import('@lingui/conf').LinguiConfig} */
    module.exports = {
    locales: ["en", "cs", "fr"],
    sourceLocale: "en",
    catalogs: [
    path: "<rootDir>/src/locales/{locale}/messages",
    include: ["src"],
    format: "po",

    This configuration will extract messages from source files inside src directory and write them into message catalogs in src/locales (English catalog would be in e.g: src/locales/en/messages.po).

    PO format is recommended for message catalogs. See format documentation for other available formats.

  2. Add following scripts to your package.json:

    "scripts": {
    "extract": "lingui extract",
    "compile": "lingui compile"

See Configuration reference for more options.


If you use TypeScript, you can add --typescript flag to compile script to produce compiled message catalogs with TypeScript types.


Verify the installation by running the CLI command to extract messages from source files and update message catalogs:

npm run extract

There should be no error, and you should see output similar to the following:

> npm run extract

Catalog statistics:
│ Language │ Total count │ Missing │
│ cs │ 00
│ en │ 00
│ fr │ 00

(use "lingui extract" to update catalogs with new messages)
(use "lingui compile" to compile catalogs for production)

Read more about Lingui CLI and its commands.

Further Reading